Clairvoyant Forums
Psychic forums are here to stay! Welcome to the interesting, informative and interactive mystical forum by Honest Holly, an experienced leading clairvoyant psychic medium and tarot card reader who works online giving private email consultations. Find a clairvoyant forum here that delights you. You will find a holistic forum and many other forums – mystic forum, clairvoyant forums, tarot forums, paranormal forums, mystical forum and new age forum here connected to all of these subjects.
I am about 40 and am keen on becoming a full time professional psychic, but it's a big leap when I am working in an office in a regular job which I can rely on, which also gives me sick pay, holiday pay, regular hours with none of that nasty overtime, evenings or weekends, and I expect that as a clairvoyant you often get people wanting to consult you those odd times, weeks where nothing is coming in and all the rest. Can anyone give me their take on what I should do? It would be very much appreciated.
To be honest it is different for each person Jasmine. And there is a lot more to it than just money. I've come across people who get a determination in their soul to become psychics simply because they think it is a more praiseworthy job than the one they have, or they cannot get a job at all, or they think it pays more, but they do not have the skills or personality needed to succeed at it. Some are great psychics but no good at the business side, some are much too soft with clients and so on... i.e. allowing them to have a reading today and promising to pay some time soon!
If you are only thinking of it from the point of view of money and hours, the practical stuff, then look at it like this. People come to you for advice about things. To be able to advise them well means you can be clear sighted regarding the situation presented, you can see the whole picture, you can see the pros and cons, you are wise enough to work it out from those details. Now do this for yourself. If you can do it for clients you can do it for yourself too. If you struggle to do this then what does that tell you?
One of my friends tells me she is very keen on being a psychic - why? Because she thinks it would be perfect if she got pregnant and could be at home with the baby all day NOT because she is psychic or cut out for it. Think carefully.
I've met loads who say they are cut out to be full time psychics.They do it, well they sort of do it. Some of them are useless at doing readings, others are useless at arranging and keeping appointments, sorting out a website and prices and all the background stuff. Things most of them never think of before they leap in. It is not for the faint hearted, especially if you let people come to see you in your home. Your hair would stand on end if I told you of some of the encounters women I know have had when they have allowed strangers into their home for this. If this is really you then go for it, but you might need some advice first or along the way from someone with a lot more experience, you might also throw in the towel after a bit because it is not all rosy and fun the way it looks. If you have a good job you are thinking of giving up for it, this is the thing, you may well regret it.
Yeah. This is a bit like when you get people saying they want to run a bar or a restaurant. They think it is simple, just smiling and saying hi to customers and taking orders, when it is far more difficult and a lot more hassle than that. They soon find out the hard way when they get the money together and do it. The so called psychics that wind me up are those who call themselves professionals yet never have their own website or do it full time. They want the best of both worlds. They want to ride on the back of social media, Reddit, face book etc instead of putting some money into it, and expect to be able to charge a lot when nobody has ever heard of them.
I know two full timers and a lot of part timers. The full timers seem to know their subjects better. One of the part timers is a lady of about sixty who started to get into it when her husband died, she was lonely and short of money, not a genuine reason in my eyes. The full timers? One of them works very hard helping a lot of people and has a good business brain, the other is not good at business, people run rings around her, but she claims she can give clients advice about business?! Really. She lives in a small apartment and has very little coming in because she is so bad at business so no way would I listen to any of her advice.
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