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[Sticky] The Sally Morgan scam was fascinating

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Recently on face book an unknown woman pretended to be Sally Morgan and offered her psychic readings, private confidential one to one sittings, for a mere £10 each. Loads of women eagerly forwarded £10 to this fake stranger and waited with baited breath for their bargain and fantastic reading.

But why was this so ridiculous?

People should stop and think  before they trust someone, but when it appears to be a fantastic bargain more so.

Firstly, Sally Morgan is a medium who works for a crowd on stage. This works well for her, she has no reason to change her working methods.  Because she works on stage she earns a lot of money in JUST ONE EVENING. Loads of people pay a fair bit to sit in the audience without any guarantee of getting a reading or even a word from her. So of course that same person would love to get something far better, a confidential one to one, for a lot less money.  But why would this be of interest to Sally Morgan? Why would she be wanting to do private and confidential readings at all, let alone where she does a great deal of work for very little money for the time put in? Why would she be willing to do readings for a lot less than all of the unknown amateurs out there? If Sally Morgan wanted to do private consultations face to face she could easily charge £1000 each and get it. June Field is less known than her over here and charges a great deal for a zoom sitting.

She is a sensible person.  IF she wanted to work longer hours she could organise more of the theatre shows, this would pay her far more than individual readings at £10 each.  She is not desperate for work or money.  As any psychic knows, it is exhausting work. Psychics need to rest and get away from work and not be working all of the time.  Her time, when not on stage, is better spent with family, friends, relaxing and getting away from work for a change.

This scam falls into the same category as the very old fat and bald men who believe that if they send a stranger online £10,000 she (someone pretending to be sexy, busty, gorgeous and a third of his age in a foreign country) will up sticks, give up her family and friends, job and all she knows, risk travelling to a foreign country and move in with an old man she does not know.  Great for him. Nothing in it for her other than many, many losses. So, of course, she does not exist. Sometimes to up the ante the pretend gorgeous young woman pretends she is rich, perhaps she has just inherited a lot of money and she will  bring this with her.... but first she needs this £10,000 from him!

Why does it fall into the same category? Both are pretending to be selling something at a very, very, very cheap price. Both are pretending that the other person will get enormous financial and other benefits out of it. And they are too foolish to care or realise this. I don't have a high opinion of old men who try to entice very young women to come and live with them and be their lover - it serves them right when she turns out to be a Nigerian man scamming him. IF she really existed she would ruin her life, certainly endanger it, by coming over to him. She could easily get a man who has more to offer in her own country without giving up so much to be with an old stranger a long way away.

Years ago men in the USA were quick to arrange to marry a Russian woman.  But that was more like a business arrangement. He had to be youngish, yes he could be older, fit, wealthy. She came over purely for his money and he got a young wife. Both got equal from it. Very different to a gorgeous younger woman giving up everything for a very ordinary old man with very little or nothing.

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This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Charlotte

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Posts: 23

Yes June Field made her name abroad after winning a psychic content, now she is charging about £300 a sitting and most of that is by zoom. Ridiculous to believe that Sally Morgan, who is far more well known over here, would do a sitting for £10.  But on television recently I saw a programme about a loads of people who had paid some woman on face book about £1000 to do their wedding for them. They expected a huge tent, live music, masses of flowers, a hundred three course meals and all the trimmings for £1000.. when it should cost a great deal more, they should have seen that it was impossible. Even if the woman had done it at cost price she could not have done so much for so little. People get caught out when they expect a great and impossible bargain, they get carried away with their urge to save money and be greedy.

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