Clairvoyant Forums
Psychic forums are here to stay! Welcome to the interesting, informative and interactive mystical forum by Honest Holly, an experienced leading clairvoyant psychic medium and tarot card reader who works online giving private email consultations. Find a clairvoyant forum here that delights you. You will find a holistic forum and many other forums – mystic forum, clairvoyant forums, tarot forums, paranormal forums, mystical forum and new age forum here connected to all of these subjects.
I went to see a reputable and popular lady for a clairvoyant reading but was surprised and put out that she insisted I must pay for my reading before she began the reading. She said she does this with everyone as it means she has peace of mind and can concentrate properly and be relaxed while working. What does she mean by this? Surely if I do not like the reading I am entitled to refuse to pay?
I can understand why the clairvoyant does that. I've got a brother who works as a taxi driver. He is a good soul, honest, reliable, hard working and as a taxi driver does not earn much. He often works very late at night and has lots of problems to cope with from passengers. A fair percentage of them think nothing of jumping into his cab, getting a ride to wherever, and then jumping out of the taxi and running off without paying. It has nothing to do with him, it is not because he drove too fast or took them to the wrong place, it is them being too mean to pay. He could go to the police station and report it, but that means sitting around for hours and he would lose more in lost wages while he is there than he might achieve by it. The police never catch "runners" as they call them, so he would never get any of the fare anyway.
Compare that to a psychic and this is what I see. I had a friend once who gloated to me that she was making a habit of going to all different tarot card readers. I asked her how she could afford it. She told me that she was skint and did not worry about it. She would brazenly go in, sit down, soak up the psychic's time for an hour, listen to all they say, and then when it came for time to pay she would say oh sorry I forgot to bring my money or sorry but I was not happy with that. She planned that all along. She never had any intention of paying for any of the readings. In my eyes she is a thief, and dishonest, in her eyes it was a way to have a free reading whenever she fancied it. I had always thought it odd that she had so many readings when she was not flush with money, now I knew how come.
The psychic reader, if they are a professional, needs that money to pay for their costs - advertising or whatever, and their wages. It's also unfair on their genuine clients if you turn up and don't pay. It means the psychic has to put their prices up for everyone else.
Yeah you may say that you are entitled to decide at the end of the reading if you pay but I don't agree. You said the psychic had a good reputation and was popular. In that case you know they are good. And there are plenty of times when someone finds fault with what a psychic tells them just because they don't say what they want to hear.
I know of several very good and popular psychics who insist a client pays before they go to see them. They make their booking and pay the same time. Why? Because they got sick and tired of people turning up three hours late when they had gone home and were no longer in the office, when they had been sitting there waiting for them at the right time, and had turned away other clients for that time and lost a space, or the person just does not bother to turn up. This way if they don't turn up the space is still paid for. Restaurants are iffy about bookings because of such things. Some of them insist there is a payment for a seat or a table first. It's what anyone who is popular has to to to preserve having their time wasted or worse still robbed off them. Another psychic I know used to insist that all clients came at 10 am and if they turned up saw them on first come first served basis with the others waiting in waiting room. That way if a few did not turn up she saw the others who did and was not hanging around all day. Anyone who had not turned up by 10.30 am was not allowed in at all, so she could have her afternoons free instead of just hanging around there. If people were more considerate they would not have to do these things. Others refuse to let anyone go to them face to face because of these things, and insist it is all done by zoom, phone, skype or email. If you don't like it you have to go elsewhere.
A psychic is a working individual, what makes you think that you can have there service and refuse to pay becouse you didn't like what they said. What would you think if your boss didn't pay you becouse he didn't think your work was up to scratch for a couple of hours?
When you consult an unknown person they are usually cheap so you get what you pay for. You buy a pig in a poke, an unproven person, and in return for taking a risk you get a cheap price. You cannot have it both ways. When you consult a proven person then you should expect to pay more, maybe a lot more, in return for this you get a better service, a more experienced person and peace of mind.Â
My friend hired a cleaner, a woman who worked for herself, really just a housewife if honest, the woman would turn up late, want to just do a little bit of washing up, something my friend could easily do for herself quickly, and my friend had told her over and over that she wanted her to concentrate on certain tasks, the difficult tasks, which the cleaner kept "forgetting" or trying to avoid. The cleaner would spend ages doing something that she could have done much quicker, or be half watching the television, or wanting to sit with a cup of tea to chat to her for half an hour, half an hour she expected to be paid for. One of the reasons this annoyed my friend is she works from home as a psychic! She often has to phone a client who has paid for a phone reading and wants to be able to do it discreetly, privately, nobody overhearing or getting in the way. The last thing she needs is someone coming up to her asking her if she wants a cup of tea or a chat or to answer questions in the middle of a reading with a client. Common sense tells you not to disturb the person then. But sitting waiting for twenty minutes to ask her something is ridiculous too, when there are other things she can do and she could work out the answer for herself if sensible.
My friend switched to an agency and got a far better cleaner who was reliable, quick, not wanting to disturb her or get paid to drink tea, but yes it costs more.
Think it is the same with psychics. Some people say it is wrong to charge or they should be cheap but they are not in the shoes of the psychic who has bills to pay or could have earned a lot more doing an easier job elsewhere.
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