Clairvoyant Forums
Psychic forums are here to stay! Welcome to the interesting, informative and interactive mystical forum by Honest Holly, an experienced leading clairvoyant psychic medium and tarot card reader who works online giving private email consultations. Find a clairvoyant forum here that delights you. You will find a holistic forum and many other forums – mystic forum, clairvoyant forums, tarot forums, paranormal forums, mystical forum and new age forum here connected to all of these subjects.
This is something which is very important. There are lots of people trying to get attention, calling themselves readers on Reddit, Facebook, Instagram etc but how can you be sure they really are? I've found that most who call themselves psychics are not - some are nice people but living in a dream fantasy world, liking to believe they can do this, and others know they are lying and do not care if they lie to you, mislead you or con you out of money, that is their whole purpose.
There are organisations such as The British Astrological and Psychic Society that tests people who claim to be psychics. The trouble is that many do not offer themselves to be tested. Either they are not serious and knowledgeable about the subject to know of their existence or they shy away from it - for obvious reasons... either fear of being discovered to be a fake or being so big headed they think that the experts' opinions do not matter. But a truly caring reader would be seeking to be authenticated, it would worry them if they were not, their main concern would be making sure they are genuine for the sake of their clients. This is the same if the readings are free. Readings which are not helpful and accurate do far more harm than good, even if they cost nothing moneywise.
I find it is rare I want a reading, when I do I can do it myself, I would never go to anyone who is not validated by experts. That's my choice. I don't take unnecessary risks with my time, peace of mind or money. That is how upsets and worry and sadness can come along. Then you are bringing it on yourself. We get enough worry in our lives with a loved one is ill or something else we cannot control or prevent, but we can prevent making silly mistakes like trusting the wrong people, people who have not proved themselves trustworthy.
Not sure you can trust anyone of them. Some are after money - always beware of any who are unemployed and unemployable, not very articulate, not well read, not smart, lazy looking to make a fast buck. You often get these attend the psychic fayres after six months of doing nothing - never had a good reading from any of those ever - then you have the others who turn to it because they are bored and feel unaccepted by society, they decide to do tarot readings to get attention, giving free readings left right and centre just to be noticed, but none of their readings are helpful or accurate, it's just them wanting attention and filling their time. If I go to one it has to be one that is busy with other clients. Anyone who taps me on the shoulder and says hey would you like me to do you a free reading is to be avoided, too desperate for attention, probably for all of the wrong reasons. This is not just about money. I am happy to pay a good person who does a good job, and I prefer to pay so that you have a level playing field and don't feel you have taken advantage of someone or used them. Being a spiritual person it is against my belief system to take advantage of others just to save money on readings. I expect to pay my way in life whether it is with the spiritual stuff or the practical stuff. To be a psychic is a good thing but not a reason to be taken advantage of. The philosophy some like of how all psychics should work for free is ridiculous, when they also have bills to pay.
I've tried over a hundred and have now stopped searching for the perfect one. Forget this dream of someone being always available when it suits you. Psychics also have a separate life to you, where they go to weddings, parties, holidays, see family, have sex with husband, go to restaurants and all the rest. Psychics also want to turn off from work, but from what I know they also get more exhausted quicker so they need to be able to have more time away from clients before they do more.  Forget this dream that they do it for free, wow what a generous person that would be. The result would be thousands of people wanting them simply BECAUSE they are free and them never having a second's peace. Can you imagine if any other service was free, a plumber or gardener would never have their phone stop ringing. You would have lazy people sit at home drinking coffee and watching tv all day while the generous gardener is rushing around to 30 customers a day. That is how it would be for a psychic who does it all free. No time for themselves or resting and plenty of people wanting them once a week or even more. One lady I know charges a lot not because she is short of money or because she is greedy but to put people off of wanting her. She got so fed up with being fully booked all of the time she put her price up a lot to put people off of asking.
At the moment I consult two. One is Honest Holly on this site. I went to her a few years ago before I saw her here. She is good and very affordable. I also consult another one by email when it is something different to what she does. In some things I consult them both to see if they agree or see things from different view points. It often helps to do that.
I would never trust an amateur again. Never ever. One of my daughters had a school friend whose mother was raving about how good she was at tarot readings. I had a reading from her and it was so ridiculous I found it hard not to laugh in her face. She is clearly not all there but enjoys the attention. Nobody ever goes back to her even when it is free. What does that tell you? Now she phones me and says she has a message for me, anything to get more attention. I've had to stop going to the phone to her so she does not give me more and more of this ridiculous rubbish while I am trying to get the kids' tea ready or packing my husband's things for work or something I need to do or want to do other than listen to her.
You can trust, in my opinion anyways, Libby Anna Greenfield the psychic.  I have consulted her four times and she has never let me down. She has also helped me with therapy. I am in my 70s and have consulted a lot of people before her that never really helped me at all, sometimes very expensive people too, a lot more expensive than Libby. I've tried Honest Holly but that was for a specific thing, I prefer not to talk about that here, it's still raw for me emotionally, it still hurts a lot, but she did her best and helped me. I moved onto Libby Anna Greenfield because I was drawn to her and felt there was a sort of rapport between us. It sounds ridiculous now I see me putting this hear, I had never heard of her before and saw her website. I don't regret it at all, but have regretted many others before.
Most clients make the mistake of seeking someone who does it free or extremely cheap. It reminds me of a lady I knew who wanted a guy to decorate her kitchen for her, a big kitchen, but was put out that all of the proper decorators charged $10,000 plus to do it. She gave no thought to all of the time it would take them nor the skill they use, nor that they need to earn a living, all she thought about was wanting it free or very cheap. Then she heard about an old man, very old, who did these things as a hobby. She thought wow this is good. I will get him to do this and it will save me $10,000 (like he would have done it free instead of charging if he was any good) and he made a total mess of it. She was furious, but he just shrugged his shoulders and went off. If he had done a good job she was going to give him $20. So it serves her right. It took him a whole week.
The trouble with all this type of thing is that customers are selfish. They think they are entitled to free readings and instant readings no matter what, even if they are wealthy and have pots of money. They like to think that the psychic is blessed with a gift from God and owes it to them to share it with them at no cost to them. There are lots of people who are blessed with a gift, writers, painters, singers, dancers, yet a famous actor who is blessed gets millions for a few months' work. People moan about psychics charging when they earn very little, they also go without the benefits of holiday pay and sick pay if they work for someone in a properly structured job with guaranteed wages! They are expected to put up with all this gladly.
I had a gardener he was obsessed with it, but he still charged, he still had to pay his rent and eat. The only way a psychic can do it for free with no thought to money is if they have a wealthy husband or wife and do not pay any bills themselves. If I was very rich and had a spouse intent on doing free readings, all at our own expense (that means getting in a cleaner regularly, advertisements, someone to take phone calls and bookings etc - it all costs money) I would ask my spouse how come we are paying for all of this and I am working five plus hours a week more to cover it.
In spiritualist magazines spiritualists who advertise their readings cheap or free, then you see another advertisement placed in the magazine that says they can contact a certain charity when they are short of money to buy a piece of furniture or if they need to visit their family. It gets really ridiculous that people would think that acceptable. That someone would dedicate the whole of their life to helping others - with no cushion like holiday pay or sick pay or savings or luxury money that others take for granted to go for an evening out or buy snazzy clothes or decorate their home, and should ask a charity money for things people consider every day essentials. In the meantime you get housewives and bored women setting up calling themselves tarot card readers and psychics when they are not, trying to make themselves feel special and wanted and less bored or get some money, when they have no abilities whatsoever in these things. All the while people expect it free or cheap this will happen. When people start to realise that there should be a good quality of psychic experience and not just anyone who jumps on the band wagon, they will get inferior rubbish readings, because they want to pay inferior rubbish prices.Â
June Field charges £300. You can forget dreams of her coming to you, that would not be worth her time and you would have to pay far more as her travelling time would be charged for too. A good psychic would not waste all that time on travelling, especially with all of the risks involved in doing it (sit and think for five minutes, if you are bright you will be able to think of at least ten reasons why it would be risky for her to do that). People who are always fully booked and turning away people do not waste time or take risks.
Please do not be offended by this but instead of worrying about whether or not the clairvoyant and psychic is genuine give thought to if the client is. One of my friends is a professional psychic, very popular, very good, very genuine. She has a website, secretary and all the trimmings needed to do it full time. She often gets emails from people who say stuff like...
i know you are genuine and kind and will give me a free reading because I am very worried my husband will leave me!
How does being very worried mean it is free?
Or something like, I am going on a long holiday soon but desperately need to know if I will meet a nice man there. This must be done today as I must know today. I do not have money....
Others try to get him to become a sort of penfriend where they can write back and forth to him about their troubles all for free, by pretending they are friends.
None of this is fair or genuine.
I very much hope you enjoy using these tarot forums and mystic forum and and return to use some of them again soon. Each forum has been carefully set up to please anyone who is interested in sharing knowledge about these subjects with others Worldwide.
If we can think of another suitable clairvoyant forum or mystic forum to add to these in the future we will, in the meantime please feel free to make use of the existing new age forums in all of their glory.
Knowledge is power. The more you know about your new age subject the wiser you are the more you accomplish. Whether you are an amateur psychic or a professional this is the case. Maybe a paranormal and ancient mystery enthusiast. Maybe a professional therapist? Or a very keen amateur. You have a whole host of forums to choose from here …. a clairvoyant forum, a mystic forum, clairvoyant forums and mystic forums that cover many topics.
These forums are an excellent way to learn about this subject. Share information, views and opinions through your chosen mystic forum. Learn from the views of others – both professionals and amateurs.
By signing up and being a full member – which is free – you can get more from using these tarot forums and mystic forums. Use an avatar and be recognised properly when you use this site. If you are registered on the psychic directory, where people can find you and hire you to work for them doing readings – either as a full time or part time professional it helps if people can see your posts and be reassured and encouraged to trust you. People who use the new age forums to post interesting and helpful comments get noticed. These are the people who potential clients trust with their questions and problems. By posting on the interesting clairvoyant and psychic forums you can gain knowledge, make friends and gain paying clients. You can post on the interesting clairvoyant forums totally free of charge.
If you are an amateur who is wanting to learn about this subject this is a great way to start. It is also a great way to find out who you trust to do your readings.
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