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[Sticky] My dog is psychic and does esp with me

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My little dog, been with me a year and a half, is very in tune with me. I don't try to tell her things but she somehow knows things by reading me even if we are apart. The other day I was working on my books and reading. She came over and sniffed at me as she does when I am too busy to pick her up and cuddle her and play with her, and went off in huff.  I carried on being  busy for quite some while, which is normal for me, then I decided I had done enough and stopped so I did. I simply stopped reading and sat thinking instead. In two seconds she raced in came through the other room and sat in front of me as if to say ok mummy I know you are not busy now here I am. How on earth did she know that? I did not tell her, it was nothing to do with the sounds changing, she could not see me, there was no way she could know. If she had been human she would not have known.

The other dog I had before her that died of old age and cancer, she used to go off in a huff when I was busy but she stayed away for ages and you had to approach her when you were ready to. She had no idea of when you were stopping being busy.

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Eminent Member Guest
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Posts: 23

I get where you are coming from but be careful who you share this information with. Most will think you are nuts if you talk about this stuff. It has not happened to them or anyone else they know so they cannot grasp it happened to you. I swear I saw a little fairy, it was years ago, in the woods, but I've only mentioned it on forums, I would never tell my loved ones who would laugh at me and think I am odd.

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Eminent Member Guest
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 23

Yeah. I think it's cool, your little mate and you, but other people might cart you off to the funny farm if you say this all serious. There is a lot of peoples out there who do not understand or accept these things so think you are loony or weird if you say about it serious. Keep it between you and us types of peoples.

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Eminent Member Guest
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 34

Everyone thinks their dog or cat are special, does not mean it is true! A lot of people like to believe they are psychic when they are not. Same thing. What proof have you that your dog is more sighted than all the other dogs and this is not just wishful thinking on your part?

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