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Am I cursed?

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A lady in face book contacted me and told me I am cursed, she said she can remove the curse for me if I pay her £500 into her bank account. I have asked her if I can pay £10 a week until it is paid but she says no and refuses to do the curse removal until it is all paid, telling me I will have a lot of bad luck if I do not pay quick because I am wasting her time with excuses.   She said I should be grateful she is willing to do all this so cheap when many others would cost a lot more. I don't know what to believe now, maybe she is being kind by only charging me this but I don't have a job or any spare cash to give to her. It is worrying me a lot. Please help me.

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I doubt you are cursed. Most so called curses are not curses at all, just fear. Sometimes people put this fear into you to get money. Face book is not a reliable place to find serious witches. Try to forget about it and ignore anything else from this woman.

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Think it takes a great deal of skill to be able to put a spell on someone or curse them. Not the sort of thing that an average chancer on face book would be able to do. There are a lot of scams on face book and a lot of chancers on there, it is one of the reasons I no longer go on there at all, not my sort of people for the most part. She may have been trying to frighten you into coughing up the money and probably doing it to others too. Maybe you have accepted lots of "friends" on there that you should let go.

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It seems obvious to me that this lady is only trying to scam you, she pops up on your facebook page and tells you your cursed and demands £500 any one could say that to anyone else don't be a mug tell her ware to go and get on with your life

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I would bet my life on you not being cursed - or anyone being cursed, not just you, but anyone. Believing in psychic things is ok, it's good, it can help you, but believing that people out there want to do you great harm this way seems paranoid to me.

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Fortune teller told me I have black aura and it why my luck is so bad and nothing goes right. He will remove it all and make it good if I give him a lot of cash and my jewellery. What do you think about this?  Am so unsure about it.

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I don't believe that anyone can be cursed people who say they are going to put a curse on are praying on your fears and vunerability. This lady who popped up on your facebook page is a scammer shes probably done the same to many other people that she doesn't know.

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Eminent Member Guest
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Posts: 34

It is very easy for someone to say that you are cursed and demand oney from you they word things to make you believe that they have cursed you but I bet they are sending the same thing to lots of other people in the hope that they will be gullable and send them the money.

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There is a certain type of person who gets it into their head they are cursed. The fatalists! These are the people who want to believe that their life is mapped out, everything id down to fate and luck, it has nothing to do with them if they lose their job or cannot get a job or their husband leaves them, it was all arranged beforehand.  When the truth is that their behaviour or lack of it brought on all of these things. Your husband may have left because you were neglecting him, or walking around dressed like a rag doll tramp or boring. There is such a thing as cause and effect and this is what causes our life to go right or wrong. Thinking you are cursed suits these people because they want to believe that the reason their boyfriend cheated was because of a curse, the reason all the other things that went wrong did was because of this curse, none of it was their own fault.... they want to take away the responsibility of trying harder or being nicer or behaving in a more acceptable way towards other people and circumstances.  I've got a good job but I've met many who are too lazy to learn skills or study and they say I am luckier than them!! Nah. It is them being lazy.  They think it is so much easier to say they are cursed and then ask someone to remove the curse than it is to behave the way their partner wants or society wants or that is necessary to get a good job or whatever. It is very very sad. I've been to psychics who say they do curse removals.Sometimes they work for a bit, because the person believes in the curse and believes it has been removed, but there was never a curse in the first place. Then after a bit their life goes all pear shaped again because they did not change and did not see where they had gone wrong to make those things happen.



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