Clairvoyant Forums
Psychic forums are here to stay! Welcome to the interesting, informative and interactive mystical forum by Honest Holly, an experienced leading clairvoyant psychic medium and tarot card reader who works online giving private email consultations. Find a clairvoyant forum here that delights you. You will find a holistic forum and many other forums – mystic forum, clairvoyant forums, tarot forums, paranormal forums, mystical forum and new age forum here connected to all of these subjects.
Have used them for about five years, lovely cards, relaxing and calming, a good way to meditate as well as to do a reading for you or other persons. Very different to use tarot cards, which focus more on questions and answers rather than just looking and picking up what they want you to know. Deeper.
I just started using angel cards and find them delightful. Used tarot cards for many years and got bored with them, seem to have outgrown them or lost interest, most people talk about them and don't look any further into alternatives which might be better for them. Spirituality is important, getting predictions and answers is nothing without the feelings bit that should go with it - in my opinion. Simply asking questions and getting answers is a bit too basic, too black and white for me, prefer the idea that you have to think and be sensible too. Will X marry me is the sort of thing kids say, grown ups should use more thought and logic.
By using Angel cards over Tarot cards does this mean you are more intouch with a persons inner fellings and spiratuall wellbeing? If this is the case can you tell me were I can get an angel card reading.
You should use them to guide you forward. Your angel might speak to you through the cards if you have a good connection with your angel, you should at least know who your angel is and some idea about your connection with them even if you cannot communicate with them, that way they can help you. Don't use angel cards if you are into predictions, people tend to go to the tarot cards for that, and this can be a big mistake anyway as psychics are not fortune tellers. And nobody call tell you precisely what will happen in your future, some of it is about what is going on now, some is what will present itself, but much of it is also the decisions you make along the way.
I know about angel cards but never owned them or used them. Would you recommend them, if so why? For ten years I've used tarot cards, Thoth cards, with good success and happiness, not sure what the point to changing to a different pack or even type is for me.  One day I might get curious about this and get some just for the sheer pleasure of curiosity and trying something different though.
What are these things you call angel cards? A man near me use the other cards, the tarots, he say they can tell future and much else and solve problems, indeed they helped me with his help, when I worried about big problem and need more to decide what do. He explain to me that the cards good way to do this and he use them and they helped me make decision and life better now. Are these angel cards good for this uses, would they helped me next time I am in quandry also about something?
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