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What alternative medicines are you into

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There are lots of different types of medicines and I was wondering what ones people are into, it would be great if you could share your experiances and knowledge to benefit others on here.

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After a few years of not being well and doctors either fobbing me off with it's a cold (that lasts every day for a year) and other excuses, or guessing stuff and getting it wrong (same thing?) I started to get into how vitamins and minerals really matter. Especially when I found I had a vitamin deficiency and putting it right helped a lot.

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In India we use much of herb medicines and ideas. We believe joyfully in taking care of self and eating good foods, much rice but red and black and wild rices, not cheap procession type you buy in much shops where it cheap and had much messing arounds to it in factory.  We keep minerals and vitames in it so it work well and help us be nourished much. Herbs help much too, use them in your foods and eat them as snack.

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Am very much into nutrition as alternative medicine. My hormone imbalance had a lot to do with my critical vitamin b12 shortage. When I had  a lot more vitamin b12 in me my hormones were all different and better. Something you can have an idea about because of symptoms but which are only definite when you have blood tests. They can make such a difference in so many ways.

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