Clairvoyant Forums
Psychic forums are here to stay! Welcome to the interesting, informative and interactive mystical forum by Honest Holly, an experienced leading clairvoyant psychic medium and tarot card reader who works online giving private email consultations. Find a clairvoyant forum here that delights you. You will find a holistic forum and many other forums – mystic forum, clairvoyant forums, tarot forums, paranormal forums, mystical forum and new age forum here connected to all of these subjects.
I've done a lot of research online and elsewhere about what to do about insomnia. If you have any tips that are different please drop me a note. I understand a lot of it is caused by hormone imbalance, thyroid, adrenal gland etc can cause it. But those things often get overlooked by the medical profession or the medicine they give can cause it or make it worse. My problem came on because of estrogen and adrenal gland things. But the medical people don't really deal with that type of thing. They are great with broken bones etc but if they cannot see it and it's not clear on a blood test they tend to ignore it or tell you to make do. I've had years of this so I do know. I've tried various herbal medications for insomnia - lavender, hops, valerian, passion flower, the lot. They all do very much the same thing in the same way, you can take too much and it goes the other way, also melatonin, turning the lights down before going to bed, cup of milk, magnesium, loads of things. This has taken years. How are you with yours?
I have a lot of insomnia too. It sounds a bit like your situation. I've tried the stuff you have tried and also found that acupuncture helped. But the snag with that is you must have a session that day for that night, and then you are back to square one the day after. You would need to do it each day.
Oh God. I've been taking prednisolone steroids for a few days - 40 mg a day, because of inflammation in my throat. The inflammation was awful and nothing else would work. Most doctors would tell you to throw both high dose of steroids and antibiotics, I found out years ago they tell everyone with such problems to take both even though your situation requires either one or the other. But it's quicker and simpler for them to say take both than it is to work out whether you have inflammation or infection! Years later I find out I have been regularly taking antibiotics I never needed. Anyway I digress. I am working on the gut flora issue to try to resolve the damage that all of those antibiotics are causing but now have other issues with hormones. This causes me being wide awake due to the steroids I had no choice but to take, it was that or struggling to breath, swallow etc. The best thing I can do now is to sit around and just do nothing, just walking or thinking drains me and is hard. But a whole day or more of just sitting there is hard too. Thankfully I have a lovely husband who is eager to bring me coffee or talk to me or hold my hand as needed. Please do not suggest I take any of the usual things, no way would they work. I've been there and done that with steroids before, you can chase and chase to feel better and find none of it works, or it simply changes it to something else just as bad.
If your hormones are out of balance a pinch of salt can help to put you to sleep. I've used this method by eating something very salty or by inhaling saline salt solution late at night. But when the hormones are balanced it makes no difference and you still have your insomnia.
I read what someone said about the salt for insomnia and have tried it. It is a bit hit and miss, it must depend on your levels in your body when doing it. When it works it's incredible, just a small amount knocks me out for hours. When the levels are correctly in line it has no effect. Now I keep some salt next to my bed and use it if cannot sleep and cannot think of any other way to maybe help it. It's still hit and miss but better than nothing at all.
Insomnia has plagued me for a long time. But I did a lot of research online and worked out it was connected to my hormones being unbalanced. I had a severe vitamin deficiency due to taking lansoprazole, a ppi, for a long time, I stopped taking it, was put on vitamin B12 injections and also took a multi vitamin b pill because doctors seem to forget that all of the other vitamins will probably be low too. The vitamin b6 in the pills helped me to get to sleep every night with no problem, but I would always wake up an hour or so later and be sort of awake and a bit sleepy for the rest of the very long boring night. Am still working on it.
A clairvoyant psychic and healer suggested I try apigenin for my insomnia. I had never heard of it before but got some, it's made from various fruits or vegetables, natural extract so to speak, and it can be expensive, mine was made from grapefruits. I took some but it did not help at all with my insomnia, gave me a jippy tummy for a long time, a sort of nausea and sour feeling, this went on for a long time, put me off of my food, the only good thing about it maybe, depends how you look at it, is it gave me diarrhea and I usually have constipation, so am keeping this to use as a laxative. Will not get it again. Understand the key ingredient is in chamomile, parsley and passion flower, things that are often used to help people.
Yes. This is to do with the adrenal glands, cortisol levels. Not sure how or why it works and don't want to spend a large chunk of my life on investigating the ins and outs of a duck's arse but found this out by chance and now make sure I fall back on this when nothing else works and I am sick of being awake every night. Different things work at different times, magnesium has worked great and then failed at other times.
You are so so right. I tried a good acupuncturist, but it was a long journey, expensive in time and money, losing a half a day each time and swallowing up all of my money. Apart from that it works well! lol. The search continues. Sometimes magnesium is the answer for me (glycinate) other times it is salt, other times it is a something for sleep and so on. I went to a good psychic once, she was very much into all of these alternative things, not unusual for a clairvoyant or astrologer to be that way though, but she had lots of knowledge, not just an interest. I've met others who spouted but did not know much or got it all wrong. She got me onto the path of becoming more in tune with myself psychically not just trying to sleep.
I found I had a serotonin and cortisol imbalance. I went on antidepressants which helped for months, then the balance went out and I had struggles again with sleeping, eating, depression, anxiety, headaches, sweating, being anti social, bad memory and more. Had to adjust the other way, and the doctors cannot help because they would only be able to do that by guessing and talking to you for ages each and every day! Am gradually sorting it out myself with trial and error, feel very unsettled about it as thought they were the answer and did not want to keep searching for something or changing it, or putting up with such problems.
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