Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches which are recommended in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat hould avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Very good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.



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Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese horoscope compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Rat is compatible with the Dragon, Monkey, Rat and also to a lesser extent with Pig,  Tiger, Dog, Snake,  Rabbit, Rooster, Ox.

The rat should avoid the Goat and even more so the Horse.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –  Ox is compatible with the Snake, Rooster, Ox and also to a lesser extent with Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Pig, Rat.

The Ox should avoid the Horse and even more so the Goat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes – Tiger is compatible with the Horse, Dog, Tiger and also to a lesser extent with Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Rat, Goat, Ox, Pig.

The Ox should avoid the Snake and even more so the Monkey.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with the Pig, Goat, Rabbit and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Horse, Rat, Snake.

The Rabbit should avoid the Dragon and even more so the Rooster.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes  –

Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Dragon and also to a lesser extent with Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Pig, Ox, Rooster.

The Dragon should avoid the Rabbit and even more so the Dog.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Snake is compatible with the Ox, Rooster, Snake and also to a lesser extent with Horse, Dragon, Goat, Dog, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey.

The Snake Should avoid the Tiger and even more so the Pig.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Horse is compatible with the Dog, Tiger, Horse and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Goat.

The Horse should avoid the Ox and even more so the Rat.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Goat is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Goat and also to a lesser extent with Snake, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Tiger.

The Goat should avoid the Rat and even more so the Ox.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Monkey is compatible with  the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and also to a lesser extent with Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse.

The Monkey should avoid the Pig and even more so the Tiger.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rooster is compatible with the Ox, Snake, Rooster and to a lesser extent with Horse, Snake, Goat, Pig, Tiger, Monkey, Rat.

The Rooster should avoid the Dog and even more so the Rabbit.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Dog is compatible with the Tiger, Horse, Dog and also to a lesser extent with the Monkey, Pig, Rat, Ox, Snake, Goat, Rabbit.

The Dog should avid the  Rooster and even more so the Dragon.

Good matches in Chinese horoscopes –

Rabbit is compatible with Goat, Pig and also to a lesser extent the Rat, Rooster, Dog, Dragon, Horse, Ox, Tiger.

The Rabbit should avoid the Monkey and even more so the Snake.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

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